DeFi Help the Planet

Build with us the most helpful and fun decentralized platform to plant trees, preserve the rainforest, protect wildlife, and much more.

Farm $PLANT with us and save the planet🌱

Stake and Farm $PLANT token in our farms and gardens.🌱
Total supply
Burned to date
Total contribution

$11 thousand

Market cap
Current emissions


🌲The PlantSwap Development Fund will help plant trees and other environmental causes

Some pools will have deposit fees as well as some of the transactions with the Master Gardener smart contract results in PLANT being created and sent to the Development Fund address. What will we do with the fund?

45%🌲 will go to plant trees 🌲
45%🔥 will be burned to lower the total supply 🔥
10%💸 will be kept in treasury to cover operating expenses 💸

A governance token to choose the right organizations and causes to support
Later this year, when the community around Plant Swap finance will have grown, we will release a governance token to decentralize the decision making on which causes to support, what goals to focus on and regulate the different economic incentives of this eco-system. More on this later…